

Brett’s Girlfriend on

Crypto’s Most significant female icon and the female mascot of the base chain

The Brett’s Girlfriend



Who’s Sharon?!

Sharon is the vivacious girlfriend of Brett on base. She too was inspired by Matt Furie’s legendary work on The Boy’s Club. She is a ray of sunshine in every room she enters (most of the time outshining Brett). With her infectious laughter and warm smile she effortlessly charms everyone she meets. She is the self proclaimed leader of a tight-knit group of girlfriends and loves sports. She is known for her healthy competitive spirit, and often challenges Brett to friendly competitions and WINS! Beyond her competitive nature, Sharon's generous heart shines through as she constantly finds ways to spread kindness and support to those in need, embodying the true essence of compassion and generosity in everyday life. She is addicted to youtube videos and loves watching influencers who make giving content, even though Brett rolls his eyes and says he is bored. When she decided to live on the base chain she decided to bring some influencers on to help giveaway some of her funds.

One of those Awesome Influencers is Steven Schapiro



how to bridge to base basics


Strong Partnerships

Sharon has already forged a strong relationship with Influencer Steven Schapiro. As the token gains popularity we will continue to grow relationships with influencers and companies aligned with our vision. We will be continually working to get Sharon listed on multiple platforms for future and continued growth.

Charity giving

We know taxes suck, but we are taxing for a good reason….1% of every transaction goes to our charity wallet that goes directly to influencers like Steven Schapiro to give away. Steven has the same vision as Sharon, to spread kindness and help a lot of people in little ways. He will give away the funds on his youtube, tiktok and instagram channels, tagging sharon in the process. PLEASE SCAN HIS CODE AND FOLLOW HIM. No community member will ever have to guess how much is in the charity wallet (it will be public) or if the funds are being utilized in the correct way. We intend to be the most transparent giving crypto in the space.

Published Charity Address- 0xa8B90DE3560C7C0E34e4Adb9F25738b83625A17d

How It Works

It is a WIN WIN WIN for everyone involved. Each trade of Sharon is taxed a minimal amount (2% on buy and 3% on sell).

The tax is broken up into 3 parts-
Buy Tax – 1% Reflections distributed amongst holders on a daily basis based on current
Holdings of Sharon – 0.5% goes to our charity wallet that gets giving out transparent through our partner
Influencer Steven Schapiro on his you tube
– 0.5% goes to the dev and marketing wallet
Sell Tax – 1% Reflections distributed amongst holders a daily basis based on current holdings of Sharon
– 1% goes to our charity wallet that gets giving out transparent through our partner Influencer Steven Schapiro- on his you tube – 1% goes to the dev and marketing wallet

Once the charity wallet hits 5k , Steven will create a giving video where he gives the money to people who could use it and spreads kindness in the name of Sharon!! The Sharon team is focused on two main things….marketing the coin as much as possible so that Sharon becomes a community that everyone in the crypto space wants to be a part of. The more popular it gets the more we can give which is our second major goal. Imagine a space where every time you buy a new token you are helping someone else…Now that is something we can get behind!!!

Keep Calm and Share-On!!


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